Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Thyroid Gland | Thyroid Test

The thyroid gland, or simply the thyroid, is an endocrine gland in the neck, comprising of two lobes connected by an isthmus. That it is located at the front of the neck, below the Adam’s apple. The thyroid gland secretes thyroid hormones, which primarily influence the metabolic rate and also protein synthesis.

This small, 2-inch gland controls the body temperature, keeps the brain thinking clearly, the heart pumping rhythmically, and basically maintains harmony among all organs in the body.


If you have thyroid disease, the thyroid gland can either become overactive or underactive.

In case the thyroid doesn’t secrete adequate hormones into the blood, you may suffer from hypothyroidism and a slowing down of bodily functions. This could cause more serious complications, like high cholesterol and heart trouble.

Initial symptoms of hypothyroidism might include:
  • Tiredness 
  • Weight gain 
  • Cold intolerance 
  • Dry or brittle hair 
  • Memory issues 
  • Irritability and depression 
  • Higher cholesterol 
  • Slower heart rate 
  • Constipation, or sluggish bowel 
On the other hand, if the thyroid secretes excessive hormones, bodily functions will speed up, as it does in hyperthyroidism. 

Hyperthyroid symptoms could include:
  • Weight-loss 
  • Heat intolerance 
  • Frequent bowel movements 
  • Tremors 
  • Nervousness and irritability 
  • Thyroid gland enhancement 
  • Sleep problems 
  • Tiredness 
TSH Test

A TSH test is done to determine if the thyroid gland is functioning the way it should. It can let you know if it’s overactive (hyperthyroidism) or underactive (hypothyroidism). The test also can detect a thyroid disorder before you have any kind of symptoms. If neglected, a thyroid disorder can cause health problems.

TSH is short for “thyroid stimulating hormone” and the test determines how much of the hormone is in the blood. TSH is made by the pituitary gland in the human brain. This gland signals the thyroid to make and release the thyroid hormones into the blood.

The TSH test requires basically drawing few blood from the body. The blood will then be analysed in a lab.

It’s best to do this in the morning time as the TSH levels can fluctuate throughout the day. No preparation is required (such as over-night fasting). However, if you’re on certain medications, like dopamine and lithium, you may need to come off all of them beforehand. Check with your doctor to find out. You shouldn’t feel any discomfort beyond a tiny prick from the needle in the arm. You may have some slight bruising too.

High Levels of TSH

The normal TSH range is 0 .4 to 5 milli-international units per liter (mlU/L). In case the level is greater than this, chances are you have an underactive thyroid. Pregnancy also can make your TSH levels higher. In the event that you’re on medications like steroids, dopamine, or opioid painkillers (like morphine), you could also get a lower than normal reading.

Low Levels of TSH

It’s also possible that the test reading comes back indicating less than normal levels of TSH and an overactive thyroid. This could be caused by:
  • Graves disease (the body’s immune system attacks the thyroid) 
  • Excessive iodine in the body 
  • An excessive amount of thyroid hormone medication 
  • Excessive of a natural supplement which contains the thyroid hormone 

Thyroid disorders can usually be treated by medications or, in certain cases, surgery. Treatment will depend on the specific disease of the thyroid.

Thyroid medications

Medicines can be provided to replace the lacking thyroid hormone in hypothyroidism. Artificial thyroid hormone is given in pill form by mouth. When hyperthyroidism is present, medicines are useful to reduceLevel of thyroid hormone or reduce its discharge from the gland. Other medicines is generally given to assist handle the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, such as increased heart rate. If hyperthyroidism is not controlled with medicines, radioactive ablation can be performed. Ablation involves giving doses of iodine labelled with radioactivity that selectively damages the thyroid tissue.

Thyroid surgery

Surgery can be used to take away a big goiter or a hyperfunctioning nodule within the gland. Surgery is needed when there is a possibility of thyroid cancer. If the thyroid gland is eliminated entirely, the person will need to take synthetic thyroid hormone for a lifetime.


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