Thursday, September 13, 2018

How To develop your Grasping Skill

7 simple Steps :
1. Brain challenging activities :

            Brush your teeth with the hand you don't usually use. Listen to a new type of music. Take a different route to office or shop.

2. Physical exercises :
            Physical exercise is the performance of some activity in order to develop or maintain physical fitness and overall health and wellness.

3. Breakfast :
            Breakfast is the most important healthy meal of the day. Nutrition advice that everyone should eat breakfast.If we skip the breakfast, it is affecting our health.

4. Avoid multitasking :
            If we do multitasking, it makes difficult to organize our thoughts and also filter out irrelevant information. So it reduces our efficiency and quality of our task.

5. Visualise when read and listen :
            When we read the text or listen the words,our ability to should create pictures in our heads. It is one of the Reading Comprehension Strategy.

6. Involve fun activities :
            Kite Flying is a best activity for kids. Make a documentary video. Make new type of ice cream sandwich.

7. Good sleep :
            Do relaxation techniques before bed is a good way to calm your mind, and prepare for good sleep.


At September 28, 2018 at 7:00 PM , Blogger Gigin Tonick said...

Great post..very helpul


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